Giving Tuesday!

Please listen below to board member Melanie Minuche speak to the importance of Giving Tuesday and please consider donating today!

Dear Midwest Immigration Bond Fund Supporters,

As we mark this Giving Tuesday, we extend our heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering support and commitment to justice this year. Your generosity has allowed us to secure the release of 16 individuals this year, totaling $65,000! Your contributions have brought freedom to families and hope to those seeking a better life.

However, the need is greater than ever. We are currently facing an overwhelming demand, with countless requests flooding in that we, unfortunately, cannot meet. The bonds we encounter are reaching unprecedented heights, some exceeding $10,000.

Today, we want to draw attention to the stark reality—currently, there are 39,013 individuals suffering in ICE detention nationwide. This number underscores the urgency of our mission. As we work to respond to this pressing need, we're confronted with the harsh reality of deplorable conditions within these detention facilities.

The situation is critical. Requests are pouring in, bonds are soaring, and families remain separated during a season that should be about togetherness. With your support, we can make a difference. Today, on Giving Tuesday, please consider making a contribution, knowing that every dollar goes toward ensuring that MIBF continues its work.

Your continued support is crucial and deeply appreciated. Let's break the chains of injustice together. Donate now and join us in our mission to bring freedom, dignity, and reunification. Together, we can make a lasting impact.

With gratitude,
Midwest Immigration Bond Fund


Letter to ICE on Continued Barriers to Attorney Access


1 Day Until Giving Tuesday!